瘋高雄美食---霍喵喵(Hawk&Cat)PhotoshopCS5.閃亮亮文字-Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1素材●●霍喵喵(Hawk&Cat製作)執行【檔案】/【新增】指令彈出“新增檔案”對話框具體參數700像素*400像素解析度150像素/英寸的文件將背景色設置為黑色 使用水平文字工具在圖像中輸入白色文字如圖示↓ Performance 【file 】/【add 】instructionFlick "add a file" open dialog boxThe concrete parameter is 700 pixels*400 pixelsResolution 150 pixels/the document of inchEstablish the background color as blackUse the tool of the level writing to input a white writing in the pictureIf the diagram shows ↓將文字圖層點陣化執行【濾鏡】/【模糊】/【高斯模糊】指令彈出“高斯模糊”對話框具體參數如右圖示↓得到的圖像效果如左圖↓ Writing diagram layer the point turnPerformance 【filter a mirror 】/【misty 】/【Gauss misty 】instructionFlick "Gauss faintness" dialog box openThe concrete parameter,such as right diagram, shows ↓The picture effect of getting is like left diagram ↓ 執行【濾鏡】/【風格化】/【風動效果】指令具體參數如圖1-圖4的右圖所示↓操作到圖3按快捷鍵Ctrl+T後按右鍵繼續執行【旋轉90度(順時針)】指令按快速鍵Ctrl+F重複【風動效果】指令重複已以上操作將文字的4個方向均執行【風動效果】指令得到的圖像效果如圖5示↓ Performance 【filter a mirror 】/【the style turn 】/【the breeze move effect 】instructionConcrete parameter as figure 1-figure 4 right diagrams show ↓Operate figure 3 press fast key Ctrl+T backPress the right key to continue to carry out 【revolve 90 degrees(agreeable hour hand) 】instructionPress rapid key Ctrl+the F repeat 【the breeze move effect 】instructionThe repetition has already above operatedLiteralness 4 directions all carry out 【the breeze move effect 】instructionPicture effect of getting as figure 5 show ↓點擊“圖層”面板上的建立新的填色或調整圖層按鈕在彈出的下拉式功能表中選擇“色相/飽和度”選項彈出“色相/飽和度”選項具體參數如右圖示↓設置完畢後得到的圖像效果如左圖示↓ Click "diagram layer" front-panel up of the establishment lately fill color or adjustment diagram layer buttonBE flicking of under the pull type function form win election to choose "the degree of the sex appeal/saturation" optionsFlick "the degree of the sex appeal/saturation" options openThe concrete parameter,such as right diagram, shows ↓The constitution gets after completing of the picture effect,such as left diagram, show ↓ 新增“圖層1”將“圖層1”填滿黑色 設置前景色為白色選擇工具箱中的筆刷工具在其工具選項欄中選擇“楓葉筆刷”在圖向上進行塗抹將“圖層1”的圖層混合模式設置為“濾色”得到的圖像效果如圖示↓ Add "diagram layer 1"Fill with"diagram layer 1" black Establishing the foreground color is whiteChoose the brush tool in the tool box wins election to choose "maple leaf brush" in its tool options columnCarry on a daubery upward in the diagramThe diagram layer of"diagram layer 1" mix the mode establish for"filter a color"The picture effect of getting,such as diagram, shows ↓ 閃亮亮文字-Photoshop素材霍喵喵(Hawk&Cat製作)Shining bright material of the writing-PhotoshopHuo Miao Miao(the Hawk& Cat manufactures)